Where are the Local Listings?

Where are the Local Listings? They're on my new website Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford at lhttp://locallygosford.blogspot.com.au/.

Feedback made urgent the moving of the Local Listings to the new site, so they can flourish without having to be hunted down on this site.

Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford
will have live links to businesses websites and business phone numbers for tradespeople and others who don’t need websites. When I first go live, I’ll be putting up some live links and phone numbers for free until I have things sorted out and I’m ready to charge (standard) pay-per-click rates. Enjoy!

Friday, 1 December 2017


Yesterday, I left my brain at home. Then I went off to give blood and then I did exactly the opposite of what the blood bank tells you to do after giving blood on a hot sticky day: I immediately went for a long walk in the hot sticky sun. Then I felt a bit wobbly but kept going anyway then, when I got to the Icon site, I threw up. The nice workers at the Icon site ushered me into their facilities to clean off my shoe and to have a nice long rest out of the sun. Thank you, gentlemen and lady, and sorry for throwing up on your site.

A mountain of spoil to be taken away from the Icon site on Kendall Street Gosford. (Taken while I was resting at the side of the site, a vantage point I’m unlikely to have again, unless I’m that silly again.)

Digging out the Icon site, to prepare the ground for building on. (Taken from the same vantage point.)

The whole of the Icon site today, the 1st day of summer, from the curb. The clutch of workers on the left side of the site were having either morning tea or a site meeting or perhaps both at once.

Lovely yellow clay being dug up this morning on the Icon site. Behind the digger, in the shade, we can see a little bit of the red clay just a few metres (a few yards) behind the yellow clay.


Just around the corner from the Icon and Vue sites in Kendall Street is another site with a lovely view of Brisbane Water, at 51 or 55 Donnison Street West.

Come back next week for more views and building site progress as quiet little Gosford grows like Topsy.

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