New helipad at Gosford Hospital, September 2017 |
The big new helipad atop the big new extension to Gosford Hospital, 5th of October 2017. This building site is at the corner of Hospital Road and Cape Street North.
Rumour has it a helicopter has already landed on the new helipad. I don’t yet know if it was testing it or if it was the air ambulance itself. There are workers up there on the roof in this photo (partly hidden by the walkway from the helipad) so it’s hard to say if that means the roof is or isn’t safe enough to actually land on yet.
The air ambulance helicopter can deliver emergency patients from areas around Gosford to Gosford Hospital or it can pick up and take to Sydney hospitals emergency patients who specialist care not available Gosford Hospital. Sydney is a big city, one of the two biggest in Australia (the other is Melbourne) and Gosford is still, in 2017, a small regional capital, not yet a city in the sense of having a large population.
Old helipad atop staff carpark, August 2017 |
Here we can just see the markings of the old helipad for Gosford Hospital, in August 2017. And yes, it is on top of the roof of the staff carpark. It would be a bit of an adventure to be walking past when the ambulance helicopter was coming in to land. And probably quite an adventure for the helicopter pilots to land on such a small low helipad that must have been quite hard to find from the air.
Gosford Hospital’s big new extension, October 2017 |
The big new extension on the 5th of October 2017.
Cape Street North & Somersby, May 2015 |
Some of the views patient and staff will have from the upper floors of the new extension, as seen from the south end of Cape Street North in May 2015.
Gosford Hospital’s new extension from Mann Street, September 2017 |
The helipad is clearly visible from some rooftops in Mann Street Gosford. Mann Street is the main street of Gosford and is a mere two streets away from the hospital.
Beane Street West site & Gosford Hospital helipad, October 2017 |
The helipad is also visible from the hospital building site at Beane Street West.
Part of the Beane Street West site, October 2017 |
The buildings just visible behind the fence at the top of this site are part of the hospital. In this photo, we can’t see Holden Street, which along the front of the hospital.
Beane Street West site, October 2017 |
Earthmover and its operator hard at work on the Beane Street West site. As we can see here and in the photo above, the Beane Street West site slopes down from Holden Street. This photo was taken from the street along the bottom of the site, Showground Road.
Beane Street West within its site, October 2017 |
In the foreground of this photo, the front part of it, we can see Beane Street West itself. We can see the sloping bare earth of the southern end of this site and, behind that, the brown roofs of private housing on Showground Road and a white house and other white buildings behind it, on Holden Street, which may be a private residence or may be one of the hospital’s many additional clinics.
One of the workers at the Beane Street West site told me Beane Street West will no longer be open to traffic when this site is finished. Instead, the site will be the residential units for student doctors (and possibly student nurses) learning their trade at Gosford Hospital. There will also be other hospital buildings on this site.
All this building at the hospital will make it around double its 2016 size. The bed capacity, for patients will double in size from 500 to 1,000. That’s quite a change to our little town.
That's all the pages for today, people. The code on this website is going bung again and nothing I do has any effect on it. More pages some time this week.