Where are the Local Listings?

Where are the Local Listings? They're on my new website Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford at lhttp://locallygosford.blogspot.com.au/.

Feedback made urgent the moving of the Local Listings to the new site, so they can flourish without having to be hunted down on this site.

Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford
will have live links to businesses websites and business phone numbers for tradespeople and others who don’t need websites. When I first go live, I’ll be putting up some live links and phone numbers for free until I have things sorted out and I’m ready to charge (standard) pay-per-click rates. Enjoy!

Monday, 26 February 2018

Lynn Avenue

Capri inhabited, 31st January 2018

Capri, in Lynn Avenue Point Frederick, a small peninsula right next to Gosford, is not only finished but that rug drying on the balcony railing tells me it’s now also occupied.

It’s only 6 storeys but that’s twice the height of most of the blocks of units around it and many of the blocks of units in Gosford itself. Not counting the active building sites, obviously.

Passing the board, 31st January 2018

It was a dark rainy day when I took these photos, on the 31st of January 2018. We can see that in the damp upper edges of the concrete wall behind the worker in the braces and a big umbrella in the top lefthand corner of the photo.

We can also see the bars of the mesh fence in the foreground of this photo. It was quite slippery on the clay ground just in front of the fence and I didn’t want to sprain my dignity by landing on my backside so I stayed back for this photo. The other photos were taken through the open gate.

Umbrella & earthmover, 31st January 2018

There’s that umbrella again, just visible under the arm of the earthmover. If you’re going to consult a set of paper plans on a building site on a rainy day, a nice big umbrella seems sensible.

This is one of the three Central Real sites in Point Frederick. This one is on Lynn Avenue and the other two are on Albany Street. You can almost see one of the other two in this photo. It’s directly behind that blue mesh fence at the back of this site.

Waiting to swing a new load over, 31st Janaury 2018

This is that other site, up the hill a little bit and directly behind the Lynn Avenue site. These two workers were waiting to swing that load of materials over the fence and down into the Lynn Avenue site. The puzzled expression on Green Shirt’s face is the usual one on the face of site workers who haven’t seen me before. Not a lot of people go about photographing building sites as a hobby.

I’ll be back to photograph the progress in Lynn Avenue very soon. Though it might be even soggier today than on January the 31st.


I am slowly but surely putting together a list of all the locally owned businesses and locally made goods on the NSW Central Coast. Listings are free and will go online, on this website and on Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford.

By 'locally' I mean living locally, on the NSW Central Coast, if you are a tradie or business owner and made locally if you are supplying goods and/or services.

If you are a local tradie, local business owner, or supplier of locally made goods, please email me your business contact details to be included in my free listings. The only catch is that it's for LOCALS ONLY.


Apex site clearance, 31st January 2018

This is the Apex site on Donnison Street East in Gosford, on the 31st of January 2018. The tiles are all that was left of the long narrow building demolished in December 2017.
Still clearing the site, 9th February 2018

The tiles were gone and the wall running backwards from the bottom of the photo was all that was left of the demolished building on the 9th of February 2018.

This has been another site that's slow to clear, like the Froggy's site on Mann Street South/Baker Street. The clearing has taken months because the asbestos in the roof had to be cleared away by specialists before the building could be demolished.
Apex will be 7 storeys high, 31st January 2018

Apex will be 7 storeys tall, counting the ground floor (US 1st floor) and will have a roof garden partway up, like the Bonython Tower in Mann Street. It looks like the upper half of the building will have views over the club and of Brisbane Water.

Now the site’s cleared, the foundations of this site should start going in soon, once the hole is dug for them.

I’ll be back to check on the progress at this site very soon.


I am slowly but surely putting together a list of all the locally owned businesses and locally made goods on the NSW Central Coast. Listings are free and will go online, on this website and on Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford.

By 'locally' I mean living locally, on the NSW Central Coast, if you are a tradie or business owner and made locally if you are supplying goods and/or services.

If you are a local tradie, local business owner, or supplier of locally made goods, please email me your business contact details to be included in my free listings. The only catch is that it's for LOCALS ONLY.