Where are the Local Listings?

Where are the Local Listings? They're on my new website Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford at lhttp://locallygosford.blogspot.com.au/.

Feedback made urgent the moving of the Local Listings to the new site, so they can flourish without having to be hunted down on this site.

Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford
will have live links to businesses websites and business phone numbers for tradespeople and others who don’t need websites. When I first go live, I’ll be putting up some live links and phone numbers for free until I have things sorted out and I’m ready to charge (standard) pay-per-click rates. Enjoy!

Friday, 10 November 2017

Today's pages

Back to three pages today, and another photo extra below. Enjoy!

Today's pages

Kendall Street site #1 & site #2

Bonython Tower AKA Singo's tower

Gosford Hospital

Gosford & its yellow cranes from Fagans Bay, November 2017

This week's view of Gosford and its big yellow tower cranes from Fagans Park.

Come back next week for more building site fun and to watch this small town get tall.

Kendall Street 1st site & 2nd site

1st site

All that could be seen of the 1st site, November 2017
As much of the upper Kendall Street site as could be photographed this week. My view of the rest was blocked by another delivery truck and the site office. This site continues to be a hive of activity.

Positioning bags of fill, November 2017
Bags of fill being guided into place. When they were exactly in the right spot, the bottoms of the bags were then slit open and the fill fell down into the hole in front of the timber board we can see there near the bottom of the photo. The driveway into the basement carpark is to go along the right hand wall of this site and the front of the site is to contain planter beds, the usual electrical installation, gas installation (if any) and the letterboxes.

Bonython Tower AKA Singo's tower

Bonython Tower site, November 2017
All the visible work done on this site since last week seems to have been done on the loading dock, down there at the bottom of this photo.

The loading dock, November 2017
The loading dock, at the back of the site, with its concrete poured and covered in protective sheets of timber, the re-bar structures sprouting up through it.

1st floor poured, primed & ready, November 2017
All primed and ready with great stacks of fresh materials, awaiting the next rash of activity on the 1st floor (U.S. 2nd floor).

White channels in the poured & protected floor, November 2017
The white lines in the floor are narrow channels between one section of floor and another. Are they for slotting glass walls into or some other purpose? One section of the floor, on the right hand side of this photo, is raised just a little bit. That change in floor level is about halfway between the front and the back of the 1st floor (U.S. 2nd floor).

More of this fast moving building site on Mann Street Gosford next week. Get out there into the lovely Gosford spring sunshine while you're waiting.

Gosford Hospital

Corner of Racecourse Road & Holden Street, November 2017

This small site on the corner of Holden street and Racecourse Road was an old (c.1940's) nurses' residence and is now to be a little park for the use of staff and visitors and those desperate for a cigarette.

In the background, we can see the big new building around at the Cape Street North side of the hospital and. partially behind the big tree, the lovely big new helipad for the use of the air ambulance.

Beane Street West building site, November 2017
Grading and levelling work continue on the lower hospital site, the one between Holden Street and Showground Road. With the old houses that were demolished here, there would have been a lot of old plumbing to be found and dug  out before it was safe for the graders to come in and start preparing the ground. And the slope of the site must make a lot of extra work too. It could be a few weeks more before we see foundations poured on this site.

Beane Street West building site, November 2017
Back to work he goes, after afternoon smoko. We've had a bit of rain recently and you can see it in the shape of the mud clinging to the roller on this grader.

(Gentlemen (and ladies) of the construction industry, please let me know if I'm using the wrong names for any of the equipment or machinery or processes going on. I want to know.)

More progress photos will be published of the hospital's building sites next week or the following week, depending on how much visible activity there is on them between now and then.

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