Where are the Local Listings?

Where are the Local Listings? They're on my new website Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford at lhttp://locallygosford.blogspot.com.au/.

Feedback made urgent the moving of the Local Listings to the new site, so they can flourish without having to be hunted down on this site.

Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford
will have live links to businesses websites and business phone numbers for tradespeople and others who don’t need websites. When I first go live, I’ll be putting up some live links and phone numbers for free until I have things sorted out and I’m ready to charge (standard) pay-per-click rates. Enjoy!

Tuesday, 13 March 2018

Kendall Street Gosford


The Icon site in Kendall Street still powering ahead, 12th March 2018

The Icon site had 5 floors on the 28th of February 2018 and now has 6 floors. Frankly, with the crowding in this street, a narrow old street with a steep drop-away on the Gosford side, I'm surprised work on Icon and Vue goes ahead as fast and steadily as it does.

Today there's no photo of deliveries and workers at the other end of this site, due to an access issue at the time.


Crane footings locked in on the Vue site, 12th March 2018

Crane footings locked and loaded and ready for the crane that will lift the big loads materials into this site. When it’s up, this crane will make two cranes, one on each site, in this quite short street on the hillside on the west side of the small narrow town that is Gosford. Things are changing so fast in our little town.

Lighter spoil being removed at the front of the site, 12th March 2018

The lighter loads of spoil, the ones with the smaller rocks, still being loaded into dump trucks at the front of the site. I was passed by 4 dump trucks leaving the site in the 5 minutes it took me to walk to it.

Digging down at the back of the site, 12th March 2018

At the back of the site, there was a deep juddering noise as this earthmover scraped into the ground with its teeth to break it up. Spending all day in the cab of this earthmover, with that juddering a part of the job, must be very wearing and I don't imagine it's much fun for anyone else on or near the site. I was very glad to get away from it.

Big boulders being loaded into a dump truck, 12th March 2018

And what was in that ground at the back was some very big rocks. The driver for the lighter spoil stayed in his cab during loading. But this driver very wisely got out. From where I stood, I could see the massive impact of each big rock dropping into the tray of the truck.


I am slowly but surely putting together a list of all the locally owned businesses and locally made goods on the NSW Central Coast. Listings are free and will go online, on this website and on Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford.

By 'locally' I mean living locally, on the NSW Central Coast, if you are a tradie or business owner and made locally if you are supplying goods and/or services.

If you are a local tradie, local business owner, or supplier of locally made goods, please email me your business contact details to be included in my free listings. The only catch is that it's for LOCALS ONLY.

 Extra extra

Showground Road demolition has begun, 12th March 2018

Demolition starting on the two old houses opposite the railway station on Showground Road. The house under demolition is partly obscured by the palm tree. The station can be seen along the bottom half of this photo.

This site now being active makes 10 active building sites in the 5 minute drive from Fielder Street in West Gosford to Lynn Avenue in Point Frederick.

I’m going to get busier and busier with each new site. So, over the next few weeks, I'll be working out a new schedule of taking the photos and then putting them up on this website.

And, for the second time today, my apologies for any strange gaps, under-sized type, changing fonts/typefaces and anything else that turns up. Blooger/blogspot code is once again misbehaving.

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