Where are the Local Listings?

Where are the Local Listings? They're on my new website Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford at lhttp://locallygosford.blogspot.com.au/.

Feedback made urgent the moving of the Local Listings to the new site, so they can flourish without having to be hunted down on this site.

Locally Owned Locally Made Gosford
will have live links to businesses websites and business phone numbers for tradespeople and others who don’t need websites. When I first go live, I’ll be putting up some live links and phone numbers for free until I have things sorted out and I’m ready to charge (standard) pay-per-click rates. Enjoy!

Friday, 3 November 2017

Kendall Street

Ground broken at last, November 2017
The ground has been broken at last on the lower Kendall Street site, 2 or 3 houses south of the other Kendall Street site (below).

This site has been sitting idle, the ground unbroken, while the site below, on the same street, has been powering ahead.

Enough bars, November 2017

Getting up high enough on a heap of spoil to get enough bars to phone the boss.

Grading the site entrance, November 2017

Grading the site’s entrance way before all those big trucks arrive. It used to be a very dodgy driveway, with most of the ground between two brick tyre paths blown away in recent winds then made into mud by the recent rain.

 New old news

Vue Apartments sold out, November 2017

The more active Kendall Street, the one a bit further up the hill. Now sold out. Not a bad view, is it? Right down the length of the lovely Brisbane Water.

Blue loo on the move, November 2017

Blue loo rising. The basement is largely finished and the blue portable toilet is now up on the most active level of the site.

Still moving ahead, November 2017

All those timber bars, on top of the metal struts, are preparation for the floor of the first floor. (American readers, our 1st floor is your 2nd floor.)

For those of reading this page at 3.35pm Friday the 3rd of November Australian Eastern Standard time, stay tuned for about 20 minutes for today's other page.

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